QuickTutorial: Using TrailRunner with your Polar RS200

Polar RS200sd heartrate monitor pulsuhr
To import workouts from your polar heart-rate monitor into TrailRunner, please follow these steps:

  1. In TrailRunner Preferences > Synchronize : Select TrackRecord as your Helper App
  2. Press the download Button to get TrackRecord from bluecrowbar.com
  3. Close Preferences and open your main TrailRunner document.
    You might in advance create routes that reflect the courses of the workouts being imported. To learn how to create routes, first read the QuickGuide Tutorial
  4. Press the Import (from heart rate monitor) Button in the upper tool-bar.
  5. TrackRecord will start up. Import your workouts and Export the Sessions to your Desktop. (Please make sure that you use the english date format: mm/dd/yy when you export your files)
  6. Now drag each exported workout session onto the main TrailRunner window, the import pane on the left will open.
  7. Select a matching route and press the add Button.
    A new diary entry will be added combining the information from the selected route and the imported workout