
How can I display a statistic to analyze my performance over time?

Problem: After using TrailRunner for a while you want to see how your performance has improved. You therefore would like to see a chart displaying your average milage, speed or fitness per over time.

In the diary, select the weeks tab. You see a chart that displays values over time.
- Right click the chart to hide/show rows like duration, distance, speed, etc.
- Select a range within the chart to analyze values within the selected period of time
- Select one or more entries within the bottom table of activities to see where they are located in the chart.

Tip: To build classes of workouts that you can compare to each other, categorize your workouts by:
- creating separate diaries for each type of activity (like biking and running).
- using tags for equipment or workout-type.

More: TrailRunner Help > Diary

Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-06 um 11.45.00

How can I see the average pace/heartrate/speed for only a part of my workout?

Problem: When you import a workout as an activity in the diary, TrailRunner displays average and maximum values for speed, heart-rate for the whole workout, but how can you see these values for fixed split intervals or even a selected range like an uphill part only?

Solution: Within the graph, select a range to view the average/maximum values within that range. To get a more precise selection, e.g. to select km 1 to 2 or minute 60 to 90, open the black info panel that is available next to the lower window tools and directly select value ranges using a single-click to select the first value and shift-click to select the end of the selection range.

What is "My Best Performance"

Problem: The diary displays My Best Performance. But that was not my fastest performance. What is it then?
Explanation: My Best Performance is based on the fitness value you achieved. The theory behind that is your most economic run — not necessarily your fastest.
On Fitness: In TrailRunner, the fitness is a calculated value based on the average pace and heart rate of a workout. The idea is that if you where very fast with a low heart rate you are fitter, while the opposite applies if you where very slow and had a high heart rate. This value is just for orientation and does not have the accuracy of the methods used in Polar watches or other biometric methods, but it gives a pretty good overall impression. To compare your fitness values to average adults, take a look into this table.

Diary: Display speed over distance instead of pace over distance

Problem: Is it possible to display the average speed in km/h or mph instead of pace?
Solution: An activity is always assigned to a diary. And a diary can be of a sport type like running, biking, etc.
If you change your default diary to the sport type biking, it would affect the display for all entries within this diary.

TrailRunner > Preferences > Personal > Diaries: Select the diary and then change the type in the table Popup.