What are dynamic collections?

Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-06 um 22.41.36
Dynamic Collections are a way to create route collections that automatically update their contents based on a set of rules. For example this cloud be:
Collection of all biking routes with a distance of 60 - 120 km and less than 1000 meter of ascent and nearby a specific landmark like the parking spot you usually start from.

To create a Dynamic Collection like the above, click on the collections toolbar icon and in the action menu select New Dynamic Collection.
Within the rules editor, build a configuration like this:

To better identify your collection (besides the name) you may set a color for the icon displayed in the collections menu. Also you can define in which order the collected routes are sorted.

Please note that Dynamic Collections are an extended feature and that you can only create one for free. Additional dynamic collections require a one time in app purchase that lets you create as many dynamic collections as you need.