How can I add a trail that is missing on the map
Contribute: OpenStreetMap is like wikipedia for maps. Everyone can contribute, extend and correct the maps. There is a very convenient editor existing you may use to edit the open openStreetMap maps.
After making changes to OpenStreetMap, it takes a couple of hours until your changes have have made it into the routing engine of TrailRunner mini.
As TrailRunner mini may still have cached the old data, use TrailRunner mini > Clear Caches… to make sure the new data is downloaded and becomes visible in the map.
Alternatively you can build a local missing link by creating an off-road section within your planned route.
How can I reset the application cache
- Quit TrailRunner mini
- Start
- paste this line followed by pressing the return key:
rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/com.berbie.trailrunnermini/Data/Library/Caches